Air Operated Double Diaphragm Systems
Introducing Blacoh's all-new pulsation dampener designed
specifically for AODD pumps.
When it comes to dampeners for AODD pumps, you don't have to sacrifice quality for price. Backed by the name you know and trust, our new AODDampener is a market-responsive quality product that improves the performance of your system, reduces water hammer and the common shaking of pipes caused by AODD pumps.
With its universal materials: 316 Stainless Steel and PTFE backed diaphragm, these units will cover almost all fluid applications and can be easily used in a full range of system materials from plastics to metals.
Watch the videos below to see the dampener’s performance and benefits in action.
Proven Performance
We are dedicated to providing you with the most competitive pricing while still maintaining that the AODDampener is quality sourced, manufactured and assembled to ISO 9001:2008 standards here in the United States.
Extensively tested and rated to maximum pressure of 150 PSI (10.3 bar).
Improve your AODD pumping performance, reduce harmful vibrations and save on overall energy cost of your system
Fully Automatic Air Control
Our newly designed fully automatic air control is connected internally to the diaphragm and automatically adjusts when needed.
Low Air Consumption:
When connected to a plant air supply line, the fully automatic air control only takes the air needed to adjust to the change in pump discharge pressure.
available in two sizes for convenient stocking